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The submission may have been deleted...', ), ]; ctx.response.status = 303; ctx.response.body = ApiStatusErrorCode.recordNotFound.code; ctx.redirect([...urlSegments, ...additionalUrlSegments].join('')); await next(); return; } const discordWebhookId = readRecordResult.value.discordWebhookId; if (readRecordResult.value.approvalStatus == approvalStatus) { getLog().i(`${handlerName} - Approval status received matches what is in the database`); const additionalUrlSegments = [ '&', routes.verify.queryParam.code, '=', '200', '&', routes.verify.queryParam.message, '=', encodeURI('No changes made'), '&', routes.verify.queryParam.detail, '=', encodeURI('The selected decision was already made, so no changes required. '), encodeURI( discordWebhookId == null ? 'Unable to update Discord message' : 'Attempting to update discord message...', ), ]; ctx.response.status = 303; ctx.response.body = 200; ctx.redirect([...urlSegments, ...additionalUrlSegments].join('')); await next(); return; } try { const calculatedCheck = module.calculateCheck(readRecordResult.value); if (calculatedCheck != parseInt(params.check)) { throw 'calculated check value does not match the supplied check'; } } catch (ex) { const errMsg = `${handlerName} - The calculated check value does not match the supplied check value. Maybe the data changed?`; getLog().e(errMsg); const additionalUrlSegments = [ '&', routes.verify.queryParam.code, '=', ApiStatusErrorCode.calculatedCheckFailed.code, '&', routes.verify.queryParam.message, '=', encodeURI('Invalid check value'), '&', routes.verify.queryParam.detail, '=', encodeURI(errMsg), ]; ctx.response.status = 303; ctx.response.body = ApiStatusErrorCode.calculatedCheckFailed.code; ctx.redirect([...urlSegments, ...additionalUrlSegments].join('')); await next(); return; } const updatedPersistence = { ...readRecordResult.value, approvalStatus, }; getLog().i(`${handlerName} - Updating database record`); const updateRecordResult = await module.updateRecord(, updatedPersistence); if (updateRecordResult.isSuccess == false) { const errMsg = `${handlerName} - An error occurred while updating the approval status of record: ${}`; getLog().e(errMsg); const additionalUrlSegments = [ '&', routes.verify.queryParam.code, '=', ApiStatusErrorCode.couldNotPersistData.code, '&', routes.verify.queryParam.message, '=', encodeURI('Could not update the database'), '&', routes.verify.queryParam.detail, '=', encodeURI(errMsg), ]; ctx.response.status = 303; ctx.response.body = ApiStatusErrorCode.couldNotPersistData.code; ctx.redirect([...urlSegments, ...additionalUrlSegments].join('')); await next(); return; } const githubWorkflowTriggerTask = getGithubWorkflowService().triggerWorkflowIfNotRunRecently(); let discordMessageTask: Promise<ResultWithValue<DiscordWebhookResponse>> = Promise.resolve(anyObject); const tempDto = module.mapPersistenceToDto(readRecordResult.value); let dtoForDiscord = { ...tempDto }; if (module.mapRecordRelationshipsToDto != null) { const dtoResult = await module.mapRecordRelationshipsToDto(, tempDto, ); dtoForDiscord = dtoResult.value; } if (discordWebhookId != null) { getLog().i(`${handlerName} - Updating Discord message`); const msgColour = colourFromApprovalStatus(approvalStatus); const authorName = module.getName(readRecordResult.value); const iconUrl = module.getIcon?.(readRecordResult.value); const descripLines = await getDescriptionLines({ data: dtoForDiscord, dtoMeta: module.dtoMeta, }); const webhookPayload = baseSubmissionMessageBuilder({ content: '', colour: msgColour, authorName, iconUrl, descripLines: [ ...descripLines, `\n**Decision: ${getFriendlyApprovalStatus(approvalStatus)}**`, ], additionalEmbeds: [], }); discordMessageTask = getDiscordService().updateDiscordMessage( getConfig().getDiscordWebhookUrl(), discordWebhookId, webhookPayload, ); } else { discordMessageTask = Promise.resolve({ isSuccess: false, value: anyObject, errorMessage: 'Discord WebhookId was null in the database', }); } const [githubWorkflowResult, discordMessageResult] = await Promise.all([ githubWorkflowTriggerTask, discordMessageTask, // ]); const additionalUrlSegments = [ '&', routes.verify.queryParam.code, '=', '200', '&', routes.verify.queryParam.message, '=', encodeURI(`Your action was successfully handled.`), '&', routes.verify.queryParam.detail, '=', encodeURI(`Github Action response: ${githubWorkflowResult.errorMessage}${lineBreak}`), encodeURI( `Discord webhook message update was ${discordMessageResult.isSuccess ? 'successful' : 'unsuccessful'}.${lineBreak}`, ), !discordMessageResult.isSuccess ? encodeURI(`Discord error message: "${discordMessageResult.errorMessage}".`) : '', ]; ctx.response.status = 303; ctx.response.body = 200; ctx.redirect([...urlSegments, ...additionalUrlSegments].join('')); await next(); }; |