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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 | 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 13x 13x 13x 13x 13x 13x 13x 13x 13x 13x 13x 13x 13x 13x 13x 13x 13x 13x 13x 13x 13x 13x 13x 13x 13x 13x 13x 13x 13x 27x 27x 13x 13x 13x 13x 68x 68x 1x 1x 68x 68x 13x 13x 13x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x | import { Container, Service, Token } from 'typedi'; import { AppType } from '@constants/enum/appType'; @Service() export class ConfigService { /* If the .env var name starts with VITE_ it is available on the UI & API */ getNmsUdFormWebUrl = () => this.get('VITE_NMSUD_FORM_WEB_URL'); getNmsUdApiUrl = () => this.get('VITE_NMSUD_API_URL'); getNmsUdFormDataUrl = () => this.get('VITE_NMSUD_FORM_DATA_URL'); getNmsUdFormDocsUrl = () => this.get('VITE_NMSUD_FORM_DOCS_URL'); getApiPort = () => this.getNumber('API_PORT', 3001); getApiSecret = () => this.get('API_SECRET'); getXataApiKey = () => this.get('XATA_API_KEY'); getXataDbUrl = () => this.get('XATA_DB_URL'); getXataFallbackBranch = () => this.get('XATA_FALLBACK_BRANCH'); getDiscordWebhookUrl = () => this.get('DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL'); getGithubActionTriggerOnDecision = () => this.getBool('GITHUB_ACTION_TRIGGER_ON_DECISION'); getGithubActionOwner = () => this.get('GITHUB_ACTION_OWNER'); getGithubActionRepo = () => this.get('GITHUB_ACTION_REPO'); getGithubActionWorkflowId = () => this.get('GITHUB_ACTION_WORKFLOW_ID'); getGithubActionMinBetweenRuns = () => this.getNumber('GITHUB_ACTION_MINUTES_BETWEEN_RUN'); getGithubActionAuthToken = () => this.get('GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN'); getCaptchaEnabled = () => this.getBool('VITE_ENABLE_CAPTCHA'); getHCaptchaSecret = () => this.get('HCAPTCHA_SECRET'); getHCaptchaSiteKey = () => this.get('VITE_HCAPTCHA_SITE_KEY'); /* Special case, available on UI & API */ isProd = () => this.get('NODE_ENV').toLocaleLowerCase() === 'production' || this.get('MODE').toLocaleLowerCase() === 'production'; packageVersion = () => this.get('PACKAGE_VERSION'); buildVersion = () => this.get('BUILD_VERSION'); get(property: string, defaultValue?: string): string { const value = process?.env?.[property]; if (defaultValue != null) { return value ?? defaultValue; } return value ?? ''; } getBool = (property: string, defaultValue?: string) => this.get(property, defaultValue).toLowerCase() == 'true'; getNumber = (property: string, defaultValue?: number) => Number(this.get(property, defaultValue?.toString?.())); } export const BOT_PATH = new Token<string>('BOT_PATH'); export const getBotPath = () => Container.get(BOT_PATH); export const APP_TYPE = new Token<AppType>('APP_TYPE'); export const getAppType = () => Container.get(APP_TYPE); export const getConfig = () => Container.get(ConfigService); |