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This page will list a few of the rules for working in this project. If you disagree with any of the rules below, please feel free to suggest improvements with whatever changes are required in a pull request.

General rules

  • Use the recommended VSCode extensions
    • If you are not using VSCode, please do suggest similar tools
  • Commit messages should start with an emoji, have a look at

TS rules

  • Avoid default exports.
  • Use Arrow functions by default, only using the conventional functional declaration or classes when this is required.
  • Unit tests for a file should be placed next to the file being tested
  • The filename of the unit test file should match the file being tested but it should have the suffix .test.ts
  • When creating an injectable service, you should export a function to get the service from the dependency injection container


  • Avoid default exports.
    • Except for lazy loaded pages, the need default exports.
  • 1 component per file.
  • Storybook stories should be located next to the component being tested.
  • A Storybook story file should only test a single component.
  • Do not import anything from @api and @data when within the web folder

API & Data

  • Do not import anything from @web when within the api and data folders

Released under the GNU General Public License v3.0.