These are small functions that take in a value and return a ValidationResult
. These are meant to be small reusable functions that are joined together to build up complex validation logic.
Base validators
There are a few validators that are used to build up complex validations such as:
Takes a list of validators, these wil be run in order against the value passed to this validator and on the first failure, return the validationResult.
multiValidation example
const validator = multiValidation(minLength(2), maxLength(100));
const isValidResult = validator(anyObject);
Takes in different validators based on the AppType
. Use this to run different operations on the UI, API or even from the DataGenerator.
separateValidation example
const validator = separateValidation({
Api: noValidation,
UI: validateForEach(notNull('You need to upload an image')),
const isValidResult = validator(anyObject);
For each item in the array of values passed to this validator, run the supplied validator
validateForEach example
const validator = validateForEach(
// For each item in the array, the above validator will run.
// In this case, checking if the length is greater than 1
const isValidResult = validator(['test', 'test2'. '3']);
This function takes in a data object to be validated and an object that defines how to validate each property in the data object.
validateObj example
const data: BuilderDto = { ... }
const validationObj: IFormDtoMeta<BuilderDto> = { ... }
const arrayOfValidResults = validateObj({
data: data;
validationObj: validationObj
Custom validators
There are quite a few examples in the src/validation
folder but the main idea is that your validator should be a function that takes a value of type T
and returns a ValidationResult
such as:
const myValidator = (value: T): ValidationResult => {
const randomNum = Math.random() * 10;
if (randomNum < 5) {
return { isValid: false, errorMessage: 'Oops, number too small' };
return { isValid: true };